Salt Farm Texel op Franse tv

Salt Farm Texel op Franse tv

Salt Farm Texel op Franse tv vanwege innovatieve aanpak zilte teelt in kader van stijgende zeespiegel

Bio Certificaat Zeesla van Waddenwier

Bio Certificaat Zeesla van Waddenwier

De zeesla die gekweekt wordt bij de Petten aan de Mokweg op Texel kreeg eind 2022 de biologische certificering van Skal.

Proeverij Leewarden

Proeverij Leewarden

In december stond de Salt Farm Foundation en Blauwe Polder, ondersteunt door het Waddenfonds, als promotor van het project Zeker Zilt in de beurs in Leeuwarden.

Salt Farm Foundation continues with R&D

Salt Farm Foundation continues with R&D

The work carried out by Salt Farm Texel is now being carried out by Salt Farm Foundation since mid-2019. 

Salt potatoes

Salt potatoes

The unique salt potatoes cultivated by Salt Farm Texel on saline soil. The taste is very aromatic and no salt needs to be added while cooking.

Research station Texel

Research station Texel

Salt Farm Texel researches various aspects of salinization and salt water irrigation related to growth and quality of crops and halophytes.

Saline cultivation in Kenya

Saline cultivation in Kenya

Saline cultivation in Kenya: we have harvest the carrots of our project in Kenya and it is doubled!

Update (April 2020): In connection with the development last year (2019), the companies that fall under Saline-Farming (Ziltproefbedrijf/Salt Farm Texel, Marc. Foods and Waddenwier) are undergoing reorganisation, as a result of which part of the activities can be restarted. In recent years, we have made great progress in making salt-tolerant crops usable in Europe and the rest of the world. Research about saline agriculture carried out by Ziltproefbedrijf/Salt Farm Texel will be continued by Salt Farm Foundation.

Currently, we are focusing on the development and regional sales of seaweed products grown on land  (Texel). If you want to know more about the development please subscribe to our mailing list.

Salt Farm Texel

With the world population expected to reach 9 billion before 2050, agricultural production has to increase with 70%. At the same time, less fresh water will become available for agriculture so the challenge is to produce more food with less water. While everybody is focussing on fresh water for agricultural production, Salt Farm Texel has a different perspective. Worldwide about 1.5 billion hectares of land is salt affected and this number increases with 3 hectare every minute. Also, the amount of brackish water is equal to the amount of fresh water. Up until now, these saline resources of the world have not been recognized as a way to increase agricultural production. Now, Salt Farm Texel is demonstrating the possibilities to use these resources by means of cultivating salt tolerant crops.
SaltFarm Texel specializes in evaluating the salt tolerance of conventional crops and halophytes, performing large-scale screening of possible salt tolerant cultivars, and developing saline agricultural practices. We work together with NGO's, breeders and farmers across the world.

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